Karate Will Make Massive Changes in You Almost Overnight!

Welcome to our Karate Manchester Program

Be Fitter - Be Safer - Be Slimmer and Have a Great Time!

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This is a brand new, fresh experience for getting you in shape. Success is very much reliant on working in teams and we plan to get you working in partners and Groups.

This class is unlike any other Martial Arts Program. With the creative flair of karate techniques and routines that are designed to get you working in pairs through out the class.

I can assure you this class is the most exciting fitness program to date. In our classes the music is current and the social atmosphere is like a saturday night. The results are second to none.

If you do not see a change after 30 days of playing full out i'll give you your money back and another 30 days free.

So what to expect at one of our Karate sessions:-

We are going to start you off with Easy to learn routines that is going to get you stronger, fitter and more confident in a very short amount of time. As I probably indicated before 99% of your workout is designed to get you working with the support of a partner. As you get stronger and more confident we will increase your work and intensity.

Our Karate Classes in Manchester are specifically created for people on a busy schedule who want to discover how to

  • Get in shape and stay in shape
  • Kick start energy levels
  • Train in a supportive friendly environment
  • Gain unstoppable confidence
  • Acquire vital self defence skills

Karate Manchester

Do you want to learn Karate? How about a modern Karate system by world class coaches? Being part of the World Fight Martial arts council we have an abundance of world class coaches.

Why should you learn Karate?

It can help you be more focused

Increased focus is another benefit of Karate. Unlike any other fitness program, you are required to concentrate on you form, Speed and accuracy. With a sport that demand focus you will find it is a wonderful way to destress and get rid of the druggy of day to day stuff. Training in Karate is your time and for 45 mins to an hour you have one thing to focus on. Increased focus has benefits for Children in studies and home as well as adults in all aspects of life.

Improves your physical and mental health

With health issues relating to inactivity such as Heart disease, Cancer, Stress and other mental health issues, High cholesterol and more. A modern Karate system can give you that activity can break inactivity patterns. As you might have already known, Karate requires you to be more active but all so taxes you mentally. Our Karate Manchester program will get 100% guaranteed.

Learn how to get up upon falling

In a world that is success orientated we become un prepared for sticking points. Our Karate Manchester program is about challenging you. Yes, you will come across difficult routines. Yes, you will not be able to do things first time. Yes, you will hit a plateau but achieving your black belt and beyond is an achievement that few achieve. A black belt is a white belt that never quit.

Types of Modern Karate practiced at our Academy

Sport Karate. This is a semi contact form of karate that involves point scoring to win matches. This is explosive and fun for developing speed and accuracy.

Continuous. This is a light contact form of karate which involves kicks of traditional karate and Taekwondo mixed with western boxing. Some schools now call this just kickboxing and it is no longer associated with it’s traditional roots.

K1. This was developed from Kyoshin Karate which is similar to continuous sparring however the use of knees and low kicks are used to provide a more effective stand up style for all levels of participants as low kicks does not require great flexibility. To the untrained eye it can be mistaken for Thai boxing.

Kata and Bunkai. Kata is the traditional aspect of Karate. Kata is a pattern of movements used to memorise techniques, develop good form and balance as well as to fine tune breathing and balance. When one speaks about Karate Kata is probably the first thing that comes to mind.

Self Defence.Many styles claim dominance over self defence but as you train you will realise most techniques are generic. The difference is scenario based training. A modern Karate system caters for the urban threat and adapts and adopts training methods to suit. You will find our self defence program very useful.

Karate Sale Classes

For whom is Karate Manchester’s Karate program for?

Our classes have been specifically created for individuals who want to stay fit despite their busy schedules. Through our classes, we aim to help boost their energy levels so that they would be able to accomplish more things in their everyday living. In addition to that, we also want them to regain their confidence in themselves through acquiring skills that they can also use in defending themselves. Most of all, we want you to acquire all these things in a friendly environment.

Karate Manchester also sticks to the D.R.E.A.M.S system, D for Discipline, R for Respect, E for Exercise, A for Accountability, M for Motivation and S for Self-defense. We are here to help you push yourself to achieve better health and learn something that would truly benefit you. Also, we would keep you motivated so that you would be able to reach new heights. We also give you an assurance that you would be treated with respect at all times by. Above all, we are here to help you not be a victim of any violence through learning how to defend yourself. Get started today by booking a class or requesting information of our Free trial period or web offers.

A Personal Welcome From Wayne Edwards

Thanks so much for visiting my website devoted to martial arts and life excellence: Combat training at its best, you’ll never feel safer and you’ll never feel fitter with our "top of the line programmes".

As you navigate around the site you’ll quickly discover why our schools are the best in the world for helping you to get fit and fearless - fast!

You'll understand why the "average" man or woman benefits so much from our programs and you'll see why our schools are populated by people just like you; doctors, teachers, sales people, housewives, house-husbands, students, builders and children.

In fact, our programs are changing lives for the better all over the city and the county.

Get into the best shape of your life. Improve flexibility overnight. Get motivated and achieve your goals. Move to a whole new level of strength and health. It's all here for you - and I look forward to serving you.

In fact, to help you get rolling, I’m prepared to give you over £100 of member benefits absolutely FREE Send your details below and click on submit to claim yours NOW!

Best Wishes Wayne Edwards

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